Monday, July 7, 2014

Introducing BlinkyBird (for Google Glass)

UPDATE: BlinkyBird has inexplicably been updated to work with Glass XE22 (11/17/2014)!

I've been intending to write some kind of Google Glass app for the last several months - but was having trouble getting inspired.

Then it hit me - how about a Flappy Bird clone that uses Glass's eye sensor for blink-to-flap awesomeness? Done.

BlinkyBird is based on Cocos2d-x - and borrows code from Early Bird.

BlinkyBird uses Glass's eye sensor - just double-blink to flap!

Google doesn't expose support for the eye sensor in the SDK - but thorikawa and kaze0 came up with some tricks to get access to it.


  • Double-blink to flap (single-blink detection isn't enabled in the current version of Glass).
  • Be sure to calibrate the eye sensor in Google Glass settings. Try repositioning Glass on your face if calibration doesn't work.
  • Don't double-blink too fast - with practice - near 100% blink detection is possible.
  • If you're having trouble with "blink" mode - try "tap" mode. It works pretty much like classic Flappy Bird.
  • For now BlinkyBird is free.

    Download the BlinkyBird APK here!

    Instructions on installing an APK on Glass


    1. Rich, I was looking for the resistor ID app in the iTunes store and came empty. Did you pull it down? If so would you be willing to provide source code to give me a head start on reviving it?

      1. Apple changed some stuff regarding the camera - which broke stuff (and since moving to Android for my main device - motivation to fix hasn't been enough for me to do it). If you'd like the source code - email me.

    2. Hi Rich, awesome idea to port flappy to Glass. I try to run it now with Glass XE20.1, but it seems to crash. Maybe it needs a recompile with the XE20.1 SDK? Any chance of you looking into this?
      Kind regards, Maarten

      1. Thanks for letting me know about the issue.

        Looks like google changed some stuff in Glass XE20.1 which breaks the build process for GlassyBird - in addition to some changes to the eye sensor.

        Looks like more than a 10 minute fix - not sure when I'll get a chance to look at...
